WordPress Visual Editor Fix Repair Re-set Restore – From Database
There can be many reasons why the WordPress visual editor can stop working for yourself, or your users.
In the event that simply changing the setting for the Visual Editor to be “ON” or “OFF” – “visible” or “hidden” – and you would like to change that setting via the WordPress Database – for 1 user or all users – here is how it can be done.
– Search for “rich_editing” in the WordPress Database Table `wp_usermeta`
– browse results.
– find users WHERE `wp_usermeta`.`meta_key` = "rich_editing" AND `meta_value` = "false";
Set values to “true” or “false” to achieve whichever effect you want.
MySQL command to disable rich editing for all users:
UPDATE `wp_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = 'false' WHERE `meta_key` = "rich_editing";
MySQL command to enable rich editing for all users:
UPDATE `wp_usermeta` SET `meta_value` = 'true' WHERE `meta_key` = "rich_editing";
I hope this is helpful.
Have a nice day : )